
Hello, I’m Chris. I have 3 kids, 2 cats and 1 orange car. In about 23 years, I’ll own a house too.

I write stuff for a living, so I decided that I should also write stuff when I get home. I do some social media things for O2 in the UK (including some of *those* tweets, yes). I also DJ at weddings and in nightclubs sometimes and, for reasons I still can’t work out, a little station called 5 Towns FM lets me arse about on the air for four hours a week on a Friday night.

You can read some official-looking things what I done at http://news.o2.co.uk, but if you’re reading from here, you’re reading my own personal views and not those of the big blue bubbly mobile network that pays my mortgage. Got it?

My blogs will be about social media wins and fails, things I like or don’t like and whatever else I damn well please. Tuck in…


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